Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Wall Of Shame

Cannot comment too much on the 2008 Travers week, because I don't remember that much. The beer count at the end was well over 400. What a terrible decision. It all went wrong horribly wrong, that's how we roll, hey steamboat hey marlboro man, Sam's Tires, oh god damn this is my jam ayer a a a a a ayer..........................


seany on the delaware said...

the only shame is a broke down old man, that showed up thirty years too late.him and his daigo family,missed the strongest irish herritage overcome,poverty,anger,loneliness and drug addiction. p.s thats how i roll.

Dan_Daly said...

We survived on goulash, cheese sandwhiches, the fortitude of Market, the goodwill of our family, and Haswell. That broke down old man must now pay penance to the woman who kept us all togehter. And accept that he will be in his own private purgatory when we roll home for Travers Week. Don't like it, well kick rocks back to that shit hole shack you were living in. Otherwise endure all the shit we give you, wether you deserve it or not. It's theraputic for us......oh god dam this is my jam

seany on the delaware said...

9seanyhey carl eat shit. all-pro said this is not about market,this is about him and his identity in life. who is all-pro? not a nephew to charles and not a son to kevin. all-pro is a kid that survived by the seat of his pants.just another race tracker. p.s. had to hustle just to make wish.

Dan_Daly said...

No one will ever discount the struggle and triumph of Seany on The Delaware. You have seen more and been through more than I ever have. Uncle Charles is a shit talking good-hearted fool. A kept man who can't tie his shoes without 5 Romanian broads giving him directions. He his totally ignorant to anything any of us went through. Let it out brother.......