Thursday, May 3, 2007

The singing walker was heard again today around 7:30 am. Still trying to determine what song is being sung. Plenty of noise early at house on corner of Clark & White. The least they could do is to uncover windows so one could get a look inside at the renovations. Soon will be new activity with coming and goings of new apt renters. Last Summer there were a bunch of yahoos. Soon also old lady will be on her balcony. She does have some good times there with friends.

Thanks to Carl Baxter for info regarding James Hanna. Does he remember someone named Mr. Dominick? If so enlighten us White St. residents about him.


Dan_Daly said...

Mr. Dominick!!! Why yes who could forget the community activist and former Canfield Casino Museum curator. Mr. Dominick was born in Albany, NY. in 1962. His father, Kevin, was a very succesful botanist and professor at U of Albany and his mother Margaret was very involved in the 60's and 70's peace movement. She even co-founded CODEPINK a.k.a Women Say No To War. Mr.Dominick was Valedictorian of Saratoga High Class of 1980. He received a scholarship to Heartbreak Ridge University. He studied to become a musuem curator, and upon graduation received an internship at the Smithsonian Musuem in New York City. Later he would become the curator at the Canfield Casino Musuem in Congress Park. Today Mr. Dominick is a strong supporter of research in mental health, this is due to his sister's life long bout with bipolar disorder. Mr. Dominick is a pillar of this community and a testiment to the character of those who live and have lived on White St.

Dan_Daly said...

Mr. Dominick!!! Why yes who could forget the community activist and former Canfield Casino Museum curator. Mr. Dominick was born in Albany, NY. in 1962. His father, Kevin, was a very succesful botanist and professor at U of Albany and his mother Margaret was very involved in the 60's and 70's peace movement. She even co-founded CODEPINK a.k.a Women Say No To War. Mr.Dominick was Valedictorian of Saratoga High Class of 1980. He received a scholarship to Heartbreak Ridge University. He studied to become a musuem curator, and upon graduation received an internship at the Smithsonian Musuem in New York City. Later he would become the curator at the Canfield Casino Musuem in Congress Park. Today Mr. Dominick is a strong supporter of research in mental health, this is due to his sister's life long bout with bipolar disorder. Mr. Dominick is a pillar of this community and a testiment to the character of those who live and have lived on White St.